#skekling au
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skeksha97 · 2 years ago
How Skeksis Dream-Fasting in my AU works:
In my Au story on Ao3 I recently introduced the idea that Skeksis have their own version of Dream-fasting after I got the idea brought up to me by a friend. In this blog I will talk about how that is possible with how I’m handling it. So first of all for it to work, Aughra must be preset in order to link the Skeksis that want to talk in this way via their minds. She may not always enter the dream herself but it is the only way a Dream-fast between Skeksis will form. Whichever Skeksis that Aughra is with will tell her who he or she wants brought into his or her mind and she will magically make those or if it’s simply one Skeksis she’ll bring that one Skeksis into the mind of the Skeksis she is with at the time. In Dream-Fast or Dream Space the said Skeksis will always be pulled into the Chamber of the Crystal. Aughra has made this come with a price however. Should a Skeksis be talking with their mate in a Dream-Fast or Dream Space sequence they will be magically linked almost like a Skeksis-UrRu link.
As an example, in the story once SkekSha has her Dream Space sequence with Aughra and SkekSo both present, Aughra magically links their minds. Meaning one will always feel what the other feels, where the other is and know what the other thinks. Again very similar to the Skeksis-UrRu link.
I guess now would also be a good time to talk about a Mother Skeksis and Skekling bond thoroughly too. When a Skekling is born a magical link immediately forms between that Skekling and their mother. Wether it’s Thra itself doing it or the strong instinct a mother Skeksis immediately has to protect and care for her Skeklings is sort of a mystery. Once this link forms (usually when the mother is cleaning her Skeklings the moment after they are born so pretty much from the first touch a Skekling feels from their mother) it is a bond and link that will carry throughout the lives of the mother Skeksis and her Skeklings until their deaths. A magical link can also form between the Skeklings themselves.
This same link also happens between Mystic mothers and their Mystlings too. In terms of Skeklings and Mystling links often times when a Skekling is born so is their Mystic counterpart.
I just thought these would be interesting topics worth talking about from my fanfic so you guys have a better idea.
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theta-donaldson · 3 years ago
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Decided to redesign how I draw skeklings.
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skekew · 4 years ago
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Since skekEw and the triplets had to flee the castle for their safety (since the skeksis went mad with essence) it's been hard searching for a decent meal for the four of them while avoiding the many dangers. One day he smelled an easy meal and happens upon Jen and Kira's picnic. :)
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twinklecrystle · 5 years ago
The One Thing but with @polarwooly‘s skeklings au
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thecottageinthedark · 3 years ago
@polarwooly and @angorwhosebabyisthis this but it’s a skekling
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Refurb is standing on your chest. Reblog for a cuddle. Don’t reblog for a cuddle. You’re getting a cuddle regardless.
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polarwooly · 3 years ago
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Some cute DC: AoR themed commissions I made for @thecottageinthedark and @angorwhosebabyisthis.
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eliavraay · 3 years ago
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Children’s media is dangerous. You might see yourself as a villain.
I couldn’t stand this XD The screenshot is from “Toy Story That Time Forgot”. Thank you whoever posted this here on Tumblr a while ago!
(Also since this night TV is forbidden until daddy figures out the controls XD)
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benjimatorarts · 4 years ago
I’d love to see what your OC SkekHol would look like in Human AU 👀
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"Please, SkekHol is my christian name. Call me Hol."
I'm still thinking which century he was born in, but leaning towards the late 1800s. Skekhol is fine with murder until blood and brain matter touches his skin and clothes.
He makes Skekung jealous because Hol can pull off a beard better than he can.
"It's just you have a very ugly face, father..."
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theta-donaldson · 4 years ago
I love their summer shorts and Sam scratching on the tile! xD
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More doodles
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papabirdurskeks · 4 years ago
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Some SoVar for an old AU! c: 
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skeksha97 · 2 years ago
SkekSha’s Premonition Nightmare:
Here’s a little preview for the next upcoming chapter in my fanfic. SkekSo is a little bit out of character here canon wise but in this AU SkekSha often sees his softer side when the couple are not in the public eye of the court. An AU is an AU for a reason after all.
The following night, SkekSha was fast asleep. SkekSo was sleeping beside her as his ever growing paranoia over her safety grew worse ever since the Castle Guard attack when all of a sudden. He hears SkekSha breathing heavily. This woke him up fully as he looked and saw her tossing and turning a bit in her sleep. She then started making freighted whimpers until she said in her sleep “Mother Aughra, please! I just want to go home!” “I don’t feel safe out here!” She then started sobbing in her sleep and SkekSo knew he had to wake her up. That was until he heard her say “I-I want the Emperor!” Knowing she needed to wake up now before whatever it was she was dreaming about made her more upset, SkekSo said to her softly trying not to scare her “Darling, I’m right here.” He then started to nuzzle her with his beak. Hoping it would work or at the very least comfort her. That wasn’t the case however as he heard SkekSha say “Please! I just want to go home! He needs me! He’ll worry if he finds out I’m out here all alone!” Knowing that this wasn’t working now, SkekSo tried nipping at her neck. Hoping the sensation would wake her up. When that still didn’t work, he had no choice but to shake her awake.
Finally, she managed to wake up and when she did she sat up with a gasp as SkekSo said trying to calm her down “hey, hey, hey sweetheart easy, easy. It’s only me.” She at first gave him a saddened look as he said “Come here, come here, come here my love.” She did as he asked and moved closer until he was able to wrap an arm around her and said “I’ve got you, I’ve got you, you’re just having a nightmare.” He then added on slowly starting to comfort her now “You’re still here you’re safe. You’re still here with me. You’re still in bed. I’ve got you.” She then finally spoke and said “Sire, forgive me, I didn’t mean to wake you.” Only for SkekSo to say reassuringly “hey, no, no, no, no. Don’t do that darling. Don’t apologize for having a nightmare. I am always going to be here to just wake you up so that way you can see that you’re still here with me. I’ve got you sweetheart.” As he started massaging her back a little and said “I promise that I’m never going to let you go. Alright?” She then said as she calmed down “I-I would hate to put you on alert Sire, but I have this feeling that somehow I’ll be kidnapped and I’ll wake up at this very tall tower thing in the Crystal Desert. In my dream I was there by myself until Aughra as well as Rian and his friends showed up. I was so scared since I was so far away from the Castle. Then I tried to get down only to find out there was no easy way to get down without hurting myself. A female Mystic was there too that for some reason I believe might be my counterpart and I don’t know how I figured that out but something tells me that it was. She used her magic to keep me bound to the place. All I wanted was to come back here where I knew I was safe.” She then looked at him as she said “Where I knew you and the Skeklings were. In fact in the dream I remember waking up asking for you for some reason and once I did wake up in my dream it all made sense. Because I wasn’t where I thought I was. It felt so real, baby! Just like the vision the Crystal of Truth showed me. Wh-What if it happens?” To which SkekSo said as he continued to massage her a little even though he snarled a little bit “Darling, I can promise you nothing like that is going to happen. I won’t let it! I will kill any creature that dares take you from me. If it does happen then I won’t rest until you are safely back here in my arms. You got that my love?” She nodded but then said remembering that if he or anyone else did anything to her Mystic counterpart that she too would feel it “But there is one problem. What about my Mystic counterpart? UrZo the Mother I believe her name is. If someone hurts her then I’ll feel it too.” Only for SkekSo to reply “Let’s worry about that when we have to sweetheart. If someone does kidnap you as your dream implies I want you to trust me. It’s the only way I’ll get you back here safely. Can you do that?” She nodded before she answered “Yes Sire, I trust you with my life.”
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theta-donaldson · 3 years ago
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SkekSa with her big sleepy baby skekAle.
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theta-donaldson · 4 years ago
Thank you so much! This is so precious and tender I love it to pieces! :)
My part of an art trade with @skekfen-the-apothecary of his character skekEw with skekRho
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skekew · 4 years ago
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I’ve lost all my feathers due to moulting, I’m getting a little cold at night now. :(
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dracocheesecake · 4 years ago
Natives AU: SkekMi the Storyteller
One night long ago, SkekLi the Satrist had visited the Skeksis Castle after many trine spent traveling and performing abroad. It was said, due to his grand bravado, he went about collecting fans and admirers for himself, returning rarely only to perform for his beloved Emperor and the rest of the great court.
Very few knew the truth of why he rarely returned.
SkekLi despised the Emperor; not an uncommon opinion amongst the Skeksis under his thrall, but the Satrist had the misfortune of being more aboveboard about it. Over the trine spent under him, his satire grew more and more conspicuous as to who exactly it was describing: a horrid, selfish and vain ruler who tormented his subjects for his own amusement.
SkekSo saw it, read perfectly between the lines of each and every verse of the Satrist's songs, and knew it was all too true, of course: which is why he never ceased to knock him down whenever he could. SkekLi could only watch helplessly as the position he worked years to obtain steadily slipped from him. He lost his friends in court, his reputation began to go to shambles; little by little, he lost all favor with everyone he had known. He was losing his career, and perhaps soon, his life.
He drank heavily that night, taking refuge with the one soul in the palace in almost as bad a position as he- (not the Scientist, you would have to be mad to talk to the Scientist)- the Treasurer. Both were in a similar way, and all because of a common enemy. They drank and bemoaned to each other their woes, spinning tales about how horribly the Emperor had wronged them.
One thing led to another. Shared misery turned into companionship. Companionship took what it had gained and ran with it.
And two trine later, long after SkekLi had thought the little nighttime escapade long over with, SkekShod pulled him into the darkest corners of the treasury to present him with an egg. Their egg, soon to hatch.
It was the worst possible time for them to have a child: SkekSo, they knew, hated them both, and wouldn't hesitate to destroy anything that came from them, even if it took the shape of a skekling; a rumor had been floating about the courts that the Satrist was to be banished, perhaps never to return, and SkekShod wouldn't let their young one fall into the Emperor's clutches.
A desperate plan was hastily made: after the egg hatched, the little one would go with their father in his banishment, and SkekShod would get away when he could to see them (both unaware that soon the Emperor would call the Satrist back). So, deep in the treasury, the little skekling hatched from their shell, and was given the name SkekMi by their mother. SkekLi collected her up, and after the Emperor's inexorable decree had fallen, he whisked her away, unnoticed by any of the Castle residents.
SkekLi however had no plans to keep the squirming, crying, messy little skekling; being a father full-time simply didn't suit him- not that he was cruel, he simply had never had any good parental figures for guidance; his own childhood had been squandered by neglect and abuse; would he dare repeat that with an innocent, clean slate?
He knew someone who would help: it was a vain hope, a slim chance, but he had to try. It took a few unum, but he found the caves of Grot, and inside, he found an old friend of his. Not much explanation was given besides a name, and the skekling was thrust into UrLii's arms before the Satrist disappeared again. SkekMi latched onto the urru immediately, despite his reluctance, dubbing him "papa"; and that one word was enough for UrLii to tuck the little one into his pouch.
A trine passed in Grot, and it became clear to UrLii that this place was not fit for an energetic, curious, mischievous skekling. She jumped off the high shelves in the tomb, terrorized his Grottan students, tried to eat whatever creatures she found wandering about, and almost got trapped in an arathim web when she explored too deep in the various tunnels; so UrLii took up his 'Potato' and went back to the Urru Capital, retaking his place as the Court Storyteller.
UrLii lost many friends with his skekling daughter, many claiming he had even gone mad enough to take a skekling in; not that it bothered UrLii much, often stating that because of SkekMi he discovered who his true friends were. Thus, SkekMi grew up in the Valley, accruing urrling friends (despite the dismay of many parents) and became well-liked for her quick wit and sharp tongue.
She had a happy childhood under UrLii's care, whom she respected and deeply admired, despite the grief she caused him in her youth (she had been a wicked little creature, she knew). As SkekLi's secret visits to her and her papa grew more and more rare as she aged, his gentle influence shaped her almost entirely.
As an adult she grew to emulate him, even giving herself the title of "Storyteller", after her Papa. Carrying a bookshelf-like carapace on her back, she carried her puppets and other contrivances across Thra, entertaining villages and towns with stories, both her own and those passed down to her from UrLii. During her travels, she tends to run into her on-again-off-again banished father, but usually wants little or nothing to do with him despite his friendly demeanor towards her.
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reikiajakoiranruohoja · 4 years ago
A self-indulgent AU TDC fic.
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